0 | Executive Branch | Core operations at MoonDAO | ipfs://Qmdg3aDfnNBoodEHh7EAncMqPeohndrxBprv6WyfbnWbaV | https://x.com/officialmoondao | https://discord.gg/moondao | https://moondao.com | | public | p9yuvsgo5jjf1p9yuvd30he180nt0td3 | |
1 | EarthLight Foundation | Inspiring humanity to work together to open the High Frontier of permanent presence in outer space. | ipfs://QmRDNeYbFf9EMzNSyw2mQbcWGxj8jFKxWf3Zejg1Wx4L1Z | https://x.com/EarthLightRises | https://www.linkedin.com/company/earthlight-foundation/ | https://www.earthlightfoundation.org | | public | ec30qs4ydxgiyzwzc51ec308e6353t1i | |
2 | LifeShip | Space monuments to backup Earth - growing a space society to populate new worlds. | ipfs://QmfR1FsHcrAdsmSBy5kp2PNcWQpdNk2J463KyPRi9JqY9o | https://x.com/goLifeShip | https://www.linkedin.com/company/lifeship | https://www.lifeship.com | | public | 1aixotvdhfufyx42c1aixokpb1x3zgru | |
3 | LunARC | We are uniting a diverse representation of humansacross borders, cultures, generations and backgroundsto collaborate and create a better future for all through space exploration. | ipfs://QmXJJtRorM1vRcThZaKu5ZiNJiBkbSh3cducavMrkf5U2U | https://x.com/lunarc_official | https://www.linkedin.com/company/lunarc-official | https://www.lunarc.org/ | | public | iasokluv61ygh3iasovx2r6vyyqtixwx | |
4 | The Inspired 24 | The Inspired 24 is an organization of like minded, space positive people working together to promote the access 2 space 4 all! | ipfs://Qma9eyL96GuKaj1wo2SYDdtbAaAmyw9cYPhvLE3d6gt9b8 | https://x.com/theinspired24 | https://www.linkedin.com/company/96918192/admin/dashboard/ | https://theinspired24.com | | public | ump6thngwd9rdyihlump6t57qq0j9kf2 | |
5 | SPACE for a Better World | Connect the space curious to the space serious | ipfs://QmRjTJwmbqzC9vRVEKhStVTDGLU4B1x1S2DCLZitiJsGsz | https://x.com/spacefabworld | https://www.linkedin.com/company/space-for-a-better-world | https://www.spaceforabetterworld.com/ | | public | uskwrbcaat45kyj1uskw7700fn0a1v79 | |
6 | Intuitive Machines | We open access to the Moon for the progress of humanity. | ipfs://QmQLxSVmKjTdrjK144hSptu9h42gT9CrfYTmf5k3ghx5QW | https://x.com/Int_Machines | https://www.youtube.com/c/Intuitivemachines | https://www.intuitivemachines.com/ | | public | 4f9pb7ng5mv3yrmkjzy4f9pb7bbjmrk5 | |
7 | The Mars Society | The Mars Society is the worlds largest and most influential space advocacy organization dedicated to the human exploration and settlement of the planet Mars. | ipfs://QmXqty444zsxLJtuiwLLZn6u8jSLoz4xWu3bgtLbTarVSg | https://x.com/themarssociety | https://discord.gg/Us69CW2wjA | https://www.marssociety.org/ | | public | luoykpxmagcbhb46r2luo6rbl1l5q4b1 | |
9 | Open Lunar Foundation | Open Lunar is an independent nonprofit organisation operating globally to create a preaceful, self-sustaining presence on the Moon. | ipfs://QmTTW1jeVy7DcSDkhertpK8LB6xEwmARvyH4Fyg7LPDnHC | https://x.com/openlunar | https://www.linkedin.com/company/openlunarfoundation | https://openlunar.org | | public | b4dfvonot0jdimvgb4dfvrmz44ur0by9 | |
10 | MoonDAO Makerspace | With funding from MoonDAO we provide tools and education to the emerging community of Vitalia, the city to make death optional. | ipfs://QmfU9KS4tvB2wikYK6DPPCos7Uv7KAaLzPLa23DvYnwf9L | | | https://app.charmverse.io/makerspace/makerspace-wiki-19377272787222233 | | public | uixzrh4n5ucbcdvk3fbuixz1dbiakq0y | |
11 | Symbiont Labs | Cybernetic implant clinic and gear. Stellar exploration will require a symbiosis of man and machine. | ipfs://QmZY3GGzGGseTp32T1TtBBrzkfXkFhHdWR35ny4nRMsXsD | https://x.com/symbiontlabs | https://discord.gg/QxfpXYV9 | https://symbiontlabs.io/ | | public | pa0yefayca78kqc9tkpa0yevxu1vnfsk | |
12 | LunCo | OS SW For Concurrent Space Missions Engineering | ipfs://Qmcy6uwbmYU3HFE7uqpuSv7UcLirLbjFp5BJr3xT2Puixg | https://x.com/LunCoSim | https://discord.gg/A6U3GdvQum | https://lunco.space | | public | 42dl8mqlbfmgqpbfgk42dl8c6g5tmx5g | |
13 | Aethero | Aethero develops high-performance computers for spacecraft | ipfs://QmPsisFtsCBDAK6wfeLYouHgf8cmD1NjmVq4WXWmicn7Eq | https://twitter.com/aetherospace | | https://www.aethero.com | | public | xmsciyo2uyrccmponio66lxmsciyorbn | |
14 | Orbital Entertainment Supply | We make storytelling go weightless! Creating free-flying robots for cinematography, inspection, and VR tourism on zero-g planes and space stations. | ipfs://QmQw7npYDB7Rmei8c3cuE2XbK432MSekm1ozNpc2zAjwud | | https://www.linkedin.com/company/orbital-entertainment-supply/ | https://orbitalentertainmentsupply.com/ | | public | pjxnvvcckz6guhe6pjxnvvr3mxk3zom7 | |